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Sas Cle Invest F.

Sas Cle Invest F.

(Voir infos de l'entreprise)
Membre depuis octobre 2023
  • Français Français
Commentaires de locataires (1)
  • Alicia E. Alicia E. juillet 2024 Lyon 4. Canut Croix Rousse - Dulaar Really beautiful apartment located in the best neighbourhood in lyon. Was a great and calm place to live in with loads of natural light. The landlord is very helpful and welcoming which was a relief when renting for the first time in a foreign country. Everything went smoothly from arrival to departure. Stayed there for almost 6 months.
Informations de l'entreprise

Raison sociale : SAS CLE INVEST

Adresse : 522bis route des Métrallins Les Gets 74260 France

N° SIRET : 83124149200030

N° TVA : FR85831241492